Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija
On Tuesday April 19, 2022, the Judiciary leadership, representatives of justice institutions as well as advocates under their umbrella association, Uganda Law Society (ULS) gathered at Golden Tulip Hotel to discuss how best to achieve the administration of justice and solve the challenges facing the sector.
The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija and the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, led the team from the Judiciary in the annual Bar-Bench Forum which was both physically and virtually attended.
The Principal Judge stressed the need for mutual respect for improved Bar-Bench relationship. "To have a sound Bar-Bench relationship, I am mindful that the Bench ought to act within dependence, impartiality, integrity, propriety, equality, competence and diligence," he said. Adding that this will be better achieved if there is mutual trust and respect between an independent and honest Bench and a strong and vibrant Bar.
The Chief Registrar commended the ULS for bringing the justice actors together. She said the Forum was a platform for reflecting on the critical issues on the delivery of justice. Noting that it enables a discussion on the challenges that face different courts, and facilitates research to promote collaboration of all stakeholders in the administration of justice.
The Chief Registrar encouraged the legal practitioners to embrace innovations geared towards transformation of the Judiciary. These included the Electronic Court Management Information System (ECCMIS), and the E-Enrollment initiative which is still under development.When complete, it will enable the renewal of practicing certificates to be done electronically.
Stressing the importance of the Forum, the Attorney General, Mr Kiryowa Kiwanuka said this was an avenue for the Judiciary and legal practitioners to exchange ideas. He emphasized the need to respect courts, punctuality of lawyers, and sufficient preparation before appearing in court.
The ULS President, Ms Pheona Nabasa Wall noted that this was the first engagement since the outbreak of the COVID-19pandemic.
Ms Nabasa echoed the Principal Judge's remarks on the need for mutual respect between advocates and judicial officers.
She applauded the Chief Registrar for weeding out fake lawyers who hold out, and called for honest conversations especially on performance evaluation. Stressing the need for a judicial scorecard not only for the performance of Judicial Officers but also for the advocates.
Mr Muruli Mukasa, the Ag. Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, applauded the Judiciary for its efforts in the administration of justice. He commended the institution for introducing ECCMIS and recommended that the System be extended to all courts in the country as one way of improving access to justice.
Hon Muruli, however, proposed that the Forum be held on a quarterly basis instead of annually to facilitate amicable and timely resolution of issues.
Among the cross-cutting issues discussed were; corruption, absenteeism, poor timekeeping, courtroom decorum,issues arising out of implementing ECCMIS. The Director of Public Prosecutions,Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo decried the delay in returning files to the ODPP.
On the issues with the ECCMIS, the Chief Registrar said that the Judiciary is planning robust sensitization campaigns and that ECCMIS kiosks have been set up at the seven different courts where ECCMIS was launched with ICT personnel to provide technical assistance to court users.
She also advised the lawyers to always report and expose cases of late coming and absenteeism at court stations for further management.
Posted 19th, April 2022